Yes you can send an email without logging into your account.This is based on the logic that to send an Email you do not need a password.You might have noticed on some e-greeting websites that they ask just for an email address of yours and the receiever and the greeting is sent.They never ask for your password.It is because to send an E-mail password is not necessary.So you too can send the mail without signing in or even without having an account.How? The answer is by using the fake mailing sites.With the help of this fake mailing sites you can send an Email by any name and to anyone.Here is the list of some sites.
Here is the example of a fake male.
Note: Don't provide the same Email service provider name in the to and from box.For eg. if you have to send an email to then provide the senders mail as or or etc.(see screenshot).
Try it !
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